Monday, December 04, 2006

I am a joker…..?

My precious weekend has over. Weekday come again. Class started, exam coming again, assignment queuing up, lecturer ke ke kat kat and scientific officer nyam nyam cham cham. Everyone say together with me “tak nak weekday, tak nak weekday”….

Today, there are several funny stories which had brightened my dull week.

Joke 1:

One day, there is a bear chased after a rabbit in the forest. Both of them accidentally met a turtle. The turtle is a very powerful animal in this forest. So, both of them are allowed to make 3 wishes.

Bear: I wish all the bears in this forest are female.
Rabbit: I wish I have a helmet.
Bear: My second wish is all the bears in the nearby forest are female. (@#$%^&*!@)
Rabbit: I wish to have a motor.
Bear: I wish all the bears in this world are female. (hamsup bear)
Rabbit: Byebye bear (rabbit happily ride the motor and escape) and my last wish is I wish the bear is gay… hahaha

· Ok, I know is a lame joke…..

Joke 2:

There are 2 Indian men stood a distance from each other. How did they communicate? Any idea?

Hint: Remember they have a red dot on their forehead?

Answer: via INFRARED…..

· Hehe, want to slap and kill me? Ok, not funny enough…

Joke 3:

There is a singer in Tanjung Rambutan, he was lying on his bed and singing. After awhile, he turned and sang with face down.

Nurse: why you sing like this?
Singer: Cassette side B is playing.
Nurse: Niasing, Chi9sin…..@#$%^&*!@

· Not funny right? You know what? Jokes are meant to be lame :p ….!!! I Hope I have brighte your day a little bit too :)


L B said...

Omg! So lame! So lame I almost had to crawl up back from the floor!! LOL, Happy Monday to you too!!

Anonymous said...

haha! lame or not, still joke mah... better than no joke at all. have a good week ahead!

Sin Ling said...

lb - lb crawl up, dont fall down oh, becareful.. happy weekday to you :)

may - stupid joke but at least something, i love jokes, it make me laught.. muakz...