Tuesday, January 09, 2007


I am having battle…

Leader of the enemy: Big huge evil exam.
Killing target: All those blardy Biotechnology subjects.

Battle period: 8/1/2007 until 24/1/2007.
Location: Examination hall.
Pretty knight: Myself → fishball sin ling.
Soldiers: Textbook and lecture notes.
Weapons: Mechanical pencil, blue pen, eraser, ruler, calculator, exam slip and etc.
Black magic: The study ‘fu’ that given by mother.
Source of energy: Chicken essence and milo.
Transportation: My own little kancil.
Protecting outfit: My jacket (darn cold inside the examination hall).
Strategy: Finish my papers within the time range, copy and look at people answer, and continue write the answer although the lecture asked to stop.
Before battle: Determined, tough, strong, confidence, prepared for the war and waving the red flag.
After battle: Weak, no energy, no confidence, raise white flag.... K.O.


Wennn said...

Sin Ling... be strong ha.... Dun worry ah Wenwen sayangzzz make U brands essence for U , ok!!!

L B said...

Yeah, don't fret too much. To go on to better things, one has to pass through some of the not so nice ones.. Kuat Kuat! Best Hugs and wishes!

Anonymous said...

you can do it wan!! can can can! the battle is on, the good will always win! *brings out essence of chicken*

day-dreamer said...

All the best!

After that can have fireworks display to celebrate. ;)

a^ben said...

whahahahah! can one larh` sap sap sui one~

*do the chicken io ka chng dance~*


Sin Ling said...

wenn - be strong, be brave, ah wenn sayang me. Oh ya, brand essence, my favourite, thank you ah wenn, You raise me up ~~~~ *glass break*

lb - lb i am kuat kuat, you are klang klang, i gambateh, you yameteh, GOOD BEST HOT LUCK... *hugz hugz*

may - oh ya i am the good girl, sure can win one and may jie jie is the advisor of the battle... :) Yum yum chicken essence..

day dreamer - thank you dd, want to play firework with me? celebrate together gether... :D

a^ben - hey a^ben, you do the chicken io ka chng dance, then the essence come out from your ka chng is it? eww... :p i wonder...

Chen said...

walao.. I saw u wrote this -->"copy and look at people answer"
wah wah wah...
see no evil :D

Sin Ling said...

chen - chen u didnt see anything right? hehe i am a good girl, a angel, not evil, not devil... :p

Sin Ling said...

chen - chen, treat you chicken essence, dont tell others ok? hehehe :D

Wennn said...

kkakakaka gks brak... ok ok so second day now... ka yau ah.... a lot of supporters here la... all also bring u chicken essence ah... dun drink too much after mabok with chicken forgot about exam...

L B said...

Yameteh?!! What teh is that?!!

sengkor said...

think where to celebrate after exam lagi syiok..

Winn said...

bring parang!!!!!!!
and shout CHALLENGE!!!!!!!!!!

Sin Ling said...

wenn - oh ya, later drunk because of chicken essence then not good, come i share my chicken essence with you *open one bottle for you*.. :)

lb - um, dont know what is yameteh, you ask other people and see :p

Sengkor - dont know where to celebrate yet, now my brain is functioning on where to celebrate and not functioning on tomolo paper.. *Deng*..

Winn - lets shout together gether ok? 'WAAAAAHHHHHHH' *opps, duck voice like a^^ben already*... :)

Wennn said...

Thank U for the chicken of essence, me too hv to sprain my brain to think wat to eat next....:P

Sin Ling said...

wenn - wenn, think of what you are going to cook for me and celebrate my exam together gether ok... :P hehe joking...