Thursday, November 23, 2006

Batch, bitch, botch, butch or Biatch?

As I promised that I am going to blog a nice and sweet entry today. Unfortunately, I guess my mission is failed. Today pretty upset, fucked up, frustrated and irritated by the biatch which I mentioned yesterday (date of 15th November). On Monday, the biatch went back to her house after class and straightaway complained everything to her cousins that she is so pitiful, standing alone in front of corridor, searching for us, waiting for us, and force to find her own transport to go back home! “Oh, such a pitiful biatch, YA RIGHT pitiful my ass!”. She twisted the story and told her cousins that is our fault, blardy hell, from right to wrong. Biatch, you think I am such a dumb ass like you ah? You think I don’t know how to investigate from my friend is it? The story goes like this:

Me: Hallo friend, how are you? Today kinda upset about the biatch.
Friend: Why? What happen? Care to tell me?
Me: The biatch accused us that we dumped her in the university and nobody fetches her back. Hey friend, can I ask you one question?
Friend: Sure, no problem.
Me: Do you know how the biatch went back after class?
Friend: Oh, one girl fetched her back after class?
Me: !@#$%^&*!@#$% . I thought initial we have arranged one transport (guy) for her to go back? Why she didn’t take the transport?
Friend: Don’t know. When the guy offered her and she straightaway reject it.
Me: !@#$%^&*!@#$%. What the F**K, she doesn’t want to take the transport then put the blame on us ah?
Friend: The moment you arranged the transport for her, I am there also and I know it what.
Me: Thank you and I know how to settle the biatch now…!!!!!

The funny thing is she won’t paid me the petrol fees according to the cousin, she will only paid for my brother every week because she said she didn’t deal with me about the transportation. It is so obvious that we are carpool and I guess she proved the theory herself that “girls with big boobs are brainless”. Luckily my boobs are in normal size, so at least I have the brain to take the money from my brother (nah, middle finger).

Honestly, I hate to be in the same group with her during practical. She is short, noisy, Chan Kai Poh and big boobs. People tend to call her “small chili” due to her rude and immature bahaviour. That’s the reason why we have to study animal behaviour to understand this kind of creature.

She is so useless throughout the practical, “sin ling, you pipette the solution la, I scared and don’t want to do la.” So what the fuck are you trying to do in the biotechnology course? But never mind, although I did a lot protocols, but I truly enjoy about it because I have the opportunities to learn and use all those equipments myself.

Wahaha, my dream is going to achieve soon, I want to have a bight future and become a great biotechnologist in the world (haha dreaming :p bluek).

How about her? Hehehe as usual, a BIATCH forever…. :)


Samm said...

Forget about car pooling. they never appreciate it. wat if u hv to take leave for a week. u think she'd die.... nawww. tell her nicely..... once and for all, less headache

Sin Ling said...

thank samm for the suggestion, i will try to approach her nicely, lucky she did paid me the petrol fees today, wahaha, just kinda pity her due to no tranpsort but at the same time feel annoying with her attitudes. haha